Welcome to the Virtual Archives of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Here, you can find photos and documents detailing the history of the Sisters and their Order. Visit the Browse Items or Browse Collections tabs above to get started.
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Ilchester - Property Grounds

An aerial view of the grounds before the Sisters purchased the property. The original buildings were used by the Donaldson School for boys, which…
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Glendale, Arizona

Documents and photos showing the lives, works, and community of the Sisters in Glendale, Arizona.
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Mt Notre Dame - Students in Vineyard

Six students of Mt Notre Dame Academy standing in a vineyard on the community's property. The grounds that the Sisters' purchased included ample space…
Mt Notre Dame - Graduates, 1910

A group of graduates of Mt Notre Dame Academy in their white graduation dresses.
Mt Notre Dame - Students and Alumnae, 1918

Students and alumnae of Mt Notre Dame Academy around St Mary's Hall on Alumnae Day. The Alumnae were instrumental in raising funds for the Belgian…