Nicaragua 1981- 2007

As a response to the calls of the 1978 Chapter, a study was made about the possibility of a Notre Dame mission in Nicaragua.  In 1981, three sisters volunteered to begin Project Nicaragua:  Sisters Mary Louise Norpel from Maryland, Sandra Price, from California and Mary Isabel Kilpatrick from Great Britain.  These sisters left for Managua, Nicaragua on October 2, 1981 and were joined by Barbara Karl from Maryland several months later.  The sisters of Notre Dame desired to accompany the people of Nicaragua in their journey toward freedom. 

The team began their work in Siuna and La Luz, two small gold mining towns. The work of the sisters in Nicaragua includes pastoral ministry, involvement in community organization, and rural settings through the methodology for educating the people.   That means working through a process in which people make decisions; strengthen collective Christian values; and develop more democratic, horizontal structures in their organizations for the people. 

Nicaragua joined the Peruvian Unit in 2007.

Le Nicaragua a rejoint l’Unité péruvienne en 2007.
