Browse Items (14 total)

A view of the shrine and statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in the garden at Rich Street under some trees. The shrine was built in 1892 and was a frequent place of prayer.

A view of the side of the chapel and part of the convent added in 1898.

A statue of an angel and child in the courtyard at Rich Street.

A statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in a shrine in the garden at Rich Street.

The grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in the courtyard of the Convent at K Street. Before the attached school was torn down in 1923, the central building housed the Sisters on the first two floors, and the top floor contained music rooms.

The community of Sisters at K Street in the 1880s. The first three Sisters who began the community were Sisters Lidwine (Superior), Clare, and Mary Clemence.

The courtyard at K Street.

An image of the inner courtyard and surrounding convent at the Sixth Street site in Cincinnati with the steeple of St Francis Xavier Church in the distance. The Sixth Street Convent was the first international mission site for the Order.

A view of the exterior of the chapel at Sixth Street from side facing the inner courtyard. The hand pumps were connected to a natural spring where the Sisters and neighbors would draw clean drinking water.

A view of the inner courtyard of the Sixth Street Convent.

A photo of the Sixth Street community and Sisters Lucidie and Mary Stanislaus in the inner courtyard.

A group of early Sisters in the Sixth Street courtyard in Cincinnati. In the front row are Sisters: Aloysius Gonzaga, Mary Magdalene, Aloysia, and Josepha. In the middle row are Sisters: Martha, Aloysius, Mary Johanna, and Lawrence. In the back row…

A photo of Sisters in the Sixth Street courtyard in Cincinnati. Provincial Superior, Sister Julia is in the center and Sister Martha is to her right.

A photo of early Sisters in Cincinnati at Sixth Street Convent. In the front row are: Sisters Florentia, Eusebie, Loyola, Marie Florentia, and Marie Donatilde. In the second row are: Sisters Eulalia du St Esprit, Constantia, Alphonse Marie, and…
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